Watching 60 Minutes tonight I realized that George may have been biting his lip for a long time to protect ongoing investigations and probably bullshitted his way through a few committee hearings but I don't think he was happy about it. He is far from blameless in creating an environment in which a case for war in Iraq could have been made but I think that he finally is telling the truth in many cases about what actually went on and what his role was in the worst military mistake in recent history.
Looks like Condi was the most complicit in this charade so far but she is such a tool that we will never hear her side of the story. She and Cheney might as well be the same person. They continually reiterate the same lies as talking points that they spouted before all this got started. I have heard both of them insist Saddam had WMDs as recently as this year. How the fuck can they continue with that sort of talk? Sooo angry. HULK SMASH!
Back to George. He was so mad that he was squirming in his chair like he hadn't peed in a week. I thought he was gonna wrassle with Scott. His passion behind his statements convinced me that he was scapegoated and that Perle was the fuck who really orchestrated a lot of this shit. Frontline made similar assertions in a program focusing on Tenet a few years ago.
Also on the show was the biggest mind blowing anti common sense argument for not keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill that I have ever heard. Makes me want to buy a gun. Proly a bad idea.