It was hovering around 92 in my hood today. Tomorrow it's expected to be around 95 AND it's gonna finally get humid out. Maybe Tom isn't actually responsible for the weather but I don't give a shit. As far as I'm concerned, he adopted responsibility when he graduated from meteorologist school. Also, his brother is that crooked Enron guy. Those Skilling kids can't be trusted.
Yes, but isn't that morning news program better than just about anything else on "regular" TV?
Love it when news people don't take themselves too seriously. Even if the meteorologist's brother does.
I guess. They actually have people with personality instead of just eye candy. I used to have a crush on Tamron Hall on FOX but she disappeared a few weeks ago. Am I shallow for wanting to see a cute girl first thing in the morning? I listen to NPR and read The Nation on the way to work. That's gotta count for something.
Would you believe it, we actually get WGN station here in on regular cable in Texas.
Winter: They have WGN on almost every cable network in the U.S. They are owned by Tribune corporation who own/have partnerships with cable companies all over the States. When I lived in New York I was stunned to find out that they knew the Lincoln Carpet and Empire carpet jingles as well as being familiar with the Victory Auto Wreckers guy - the guy who has his car door fall off. It's the same reason their are Cubs fans from every part of the country.
Also, WGN used to have a lot of original programming like Bozo.
I can listen to Skilling for twenty minutes and still not know if it's going to rain, snow or shine. But I would know what the dew point is in North Dakota. Give him the Slurpee.
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