Thursday, May 04, 2006

School Pride

While riding my bike down Madison today I was passed by an old station wagon spewing all kinds of filth and noxious gases into the air. Rusted out wheel wells and duck tape on the bumper. A real piece of crap. In the rear window there was a sticker for Illinois State University. I went to ISU and I thought to myself, "This is not a good omen for alumni of ISU. One guy in an old jallopy and me on a friggin' bike." At least my bike doesn't emit noxious gases.


Knightridge Overlook said...

Well, actually, it's generally the source of power that emits the noxious gases, not the wheels, chassis, or drivetrain...

Michael K said...

Too true. Don't ride behind me after taco night.

tom o said...

i went to ISU but didn't graduate. so, i don't count. or maybe i count even more as one of the ones who actually flunked out of ISU. i know, i'll still haven't figured out that one.